About Us

We have had a Pre-school group at Epiphany Church since 1982, it has continued to grow over the years and is now part of the Church and is overseen by trustees appointed by the church PCC

We are situated in the spacious Epiphany Church Hall, We are open Monday – Friday during term time offering flexiable hours 9-11.30, 12.30 -3pm with lunch club 11.30-12.30,

We have recently refurbished the purpose built outdoor play area by doing sponsered walks with the Epiphany children and a grant received from Tesco.

Our Mission Statement

At the Epiphany PreSchool we encourage social, physical, creative and emotional development, whilst also supporting communication and lanuage, and promoting independance ready for the school enviroment within a fun and safe environment.

Commitment to the children in our care and the staff we employ is of the utmost importance to us to try and ensure the happiness and well being of all.

Our quality service is one that will cater for the individual requirements of the child and their family and will also ensure that each person is treated with equality. At the Epiphany PreSchool we aim to meet these needs by ensuring that there is adequate staffing and equipment for those attending the facility.

We value the high integrity of our staff, their energy, enthusiasm and creativity. We also value good communication, supervisory and organisational skills which they should have in order to carry out their job to the standards required.

The Epiphany PreSchool is an equal opportunities setting and welcomes all children and families, regardless or race, religion, ability, culture, language, sexuality or intellect. All children will be respected as individuals and cared for equally.

The results we achieve at Epiphany PreSchool are of great importance and we aim to demonstrate these results through a variety of sources including planning, observation and assessment. We expect and demonstrate honest and integrity at Epiphany PreSchool and believe these values should be encouraged and nurtured in the children that attend this childcare facility.